CLR Threads Via C# Part 4 – Mutex and lock

In this post I cover the lock keyword in C#, deadlocking, and what a mutex is and how to use it in C#.

CLR Threads Via C# Part 3 – Race Conditions, Atomic Instructions With Interlocked, and Monitors

Part 3 of the CLR multi-threading series where I discuss shared resources, critical sections, race conditions, atomic instructions, the interlocked class and monitors.

CLR Threads Via C# Part 2 – The Thread Pool

In this post I'll be covering the Thread Pool as part 2 in my CLR threading series.

CLR Threads Via C# Part 1 – Thread Creation And The System.Threading.Thread Class

In this post I cover the basics of CLR threads, the System.Threading.Thread class, and thread creation and lifecycle in C# via the CLR, this is part 1 in a multi-part series on threading in the CLR.

Thread Basics In Windows And The Common Language Runtime

In this post I will be discussing threads in the CLR, and the general threading model used by Windows. Threads, though they are becoming less and less important in .NET, being replaced by async/await, the TPL, etc. still have uses and are good to know about, even just from the standpoint of better understanding the … Continue reading Thread Basics In Windows And The Common Language Runtime

A Look at The Mono SGen Garbage Collector

In this post, I do an overview of the inner workings of the Mono SGen garbage collector, useful for any developer using a Mono based platform to know.

Xamarin Android – Grayscaling and Brightness Adjustment For Bitmaps With The Canvas

In this post I'll be covering how to grayscale and brightness adjust bitmaps and render them using the canvas for hardware accelerated rendering

C# Assembly Duel – Properties vs. Getters and Setter Methods

In this post we look at the differences between properties and getter/setter methods in C# at the assembly level.

Mutex and Semaphores, What’s The Difference?

In this post, I discuss locking mechanisms in concurrent programming, specifically mutex and semaphore locks.

Shared Preferences in Xamarin Android

In this post I'll be discussing shared preferences in Xamarin Android, which is a caching mechanism for local app data.